Academic Research

Panopticon Reborn: Social Credit as Algorithmic Regulation for the Age of Big Data, Illinois Law Review, forthcoming 2022

The Impact of Cryptocurrency Regulation on Trading Markets (Journal of Financial Regulation, April 24, 2021), with Brian Feinstein

Contracts Ex Machina, in SMART CONTRACTS: TECHNOLOGICAL, BUSINESS & LEGAL PERSPECTIVES (Marcelo Corrales, Mark Fenwick & Stefan Wrbka, eds., Hart/Bloomsbury, 2021), with Nico Cornell

The Siren Song: Algorithmic Governance by Blockchain, in AFTER THE DIGITAL TORNADO: NETWORKS, ARCHITECTURE, HUMANITY (Kevin Werbach, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2020)

Blockchain in Financial Services, FINTECH: LAW AND REGULATION (Jelena Madir, ed., Edward Elgar, 2019), with Colleen Baker

On the Application of Blockchains to Spectrum Management (IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, June 2019), with Martin Weiss, Douglas Sicker, and Carlos Caicedo

Trust, But Verify: Why the Blockchain Needs the Law, 33 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 489 (2018)

Contracts Ex Machina, 67 DUKE L.J. 313 (2017), with Nico Cornell

The Song Remains the Same: What Cyberlaw Might Teach the Next Internet Economy, 69 FLA. L. REV. 887 (2017)

More Than Just a Game: Ethical Issues in Gamification (with Tae Wan Kim), 18 ETHICS IN INFO. TECH. 157 (2016)

Is Uber a Common Carrier?, 12 I/S: J. LAW & POL’Y FOR INFO. SOC’Y. 135 (2015)

Gamification and the Enterprise, THE GAMEFUL WORLD (Steffan Walz & Sebastian Deterding, eds., 2015), with Ethan Mollick

The Development of Fixed Broadband Networks (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, June 2014)

No Dialtone: The End of the Public Switched Telephone Network, 66 FED. COMM. L. J. 203 (2014)

(Re)Defining Gamification: A Process Approach, Persuasive 2014, LNCS 8462, pp. 266-272 (A. Spagnolli et al, eds. 2014) 

The Spectrum Opportunity, 8 INT’L J. COMM. 128 (2014), with Aalok Mehta

The Development and Diffusion of Digital Content (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, December 2012)

The Network Utility, 60 DUKE L. J. 1761 (2011)

Off the Hook, 95 CORNELL L. REV. 535 (2010)

Higher Standards: Regulation in the Network Age, 23 HARV. J. L. & TECH. 179 (2009)

Only Connect, 23 BERKELEY TECH. L. J. 1234 (2008)

Sensors and Sensibilities, 28 CARDOZO L. REV. 2321 (2007)

Supercommons: Toward a Unified Theory of Wireless Communication, 82 TEXAS L. REV. 863 (2004)

Radio Revolution: The Coming Age of Unlicensed Wireless (New America Foundation working paper, December 2003)

The Coming Spectrum Explosion: A Regulatory and Business Primer, ABA COMMUNICATIONS LAWYER, Fall 2003 (with Greg Staple)

Open Spectrum: The New Wireless Paradigm (New America Foundation Working Paper, October 2002)

A Layered Model for Internet Policy, 1 J. TELECOMM. & HIGH-TECH L. 37 (2002)

Digital Tornado: The Internet and Telecommunications Policy (FCC Office of Plans and Policy Working Paper No. 29, March 1997)