Old Home Page Links

Up to the
Clifford Latta -- http://www.harborside.com/home/j/jalapeno
Native American drums, drum-making kits and drum-making classes.
Submitted: 31 Dec 1997

Alpine Internet Development -- http://www.brigadoon.com/~stwilson/
Web Developers recource. References on HTML, Java Script, VB Script and more.
Submitted: 30 Dec 1997

Chuck Kronschnabel -- http://www.ckron.com
Visit the Kronderosa Ranch in the beautiful coastal mountains of Oregon. Play the "Secret Page" game, check out the live cameras or just take the guided tour.
Submitted: 27 Dec 1997

Charles -- http://www.freeyellow.com//members2/chucknut/index.html
Links to sites where you can learn how to create web pages, free computer training, and more.
Submitted: 26 Dec 1997

Rick Charello -- http://www.angelfire.com/nc/panzer69
Just my personal Page with a few links and ICQ Index
Submitted: 25 Dec 1997

Lancelot Johnson -- http://members.aol.com/EagleMan22/index.html
Welcome to Suburbia City! The home of that two-fisted roughneck, Eagle-Man! Learn all about him and his friends and fiends on this skull-bustin' page!!!!
Submitted: 23 Dec 1997

JJ Nelson -- http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/1882
Punk, Ska, Skate, and More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Voted the sexiest man in Mid-Michigan If you like bands like Goldfinger, NOFX, Sublime, Blink-182, and Less Than Jake, you shall look no further.
Submitted: 20 Dec 1997

-- http://home.onestop.net/rellik
Rellik PanDragon's Realm. A place to find some kul warez and linkz. and of course.... MP3z!!!!
Submitted: 16 Dec 1997

interproject -- http://space.tin.it/io/pasespos/iproject.html
Submitted: 16 Dec 1997

mikey -- http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/mj58/index.html
For people who likes animals especially turtles.
Submitted: 14 Dec 1997

musicman622 -- http://www.geocities.com/nashville/7554
i am a country singer-songwriter and my page deals with lyric's and my personal wav's this is my first home page so i have a lot to do still
Submitted: 13 Dec 1997

Mandy Todd -- http://members.tripod.com/~gumby22/index.htm
I'm a Chicago area gal. I like to chat on IRC, I like meeting new people. You will find the Mandy FAQ's here.
Submitted: 13 Dec 1997

"Smokie" -- http://users.uniserve.com/~lbyers/welcome.htm
NEW!! NOT YET IMPROVED!! Music stuff. Eventually guitar stuff, lit stuff (maybe sci-fi and mysteries), language stuff. Tell me what you're playing, musicians. Tell me what you're reading.
Submitted: 9 Dec 1997

Theonas John -- http://members.tripod.com/~lakinthos
flowers florist gem design arragement plants theonas greece athens shop
Submitted: 8 Dec 1997

Marvin Segal -- http://www.colba.net/~seabird/home.htm
The Jurassic Seabird screams about fiscal flattening, criminal apostrophes, rat-dogs, giant squid vs. republicans, and other wonders.
Submitted: 7 Dec 1997

Oppi53 -- http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/2801
include:music,JavaScript,The Free sites,The Great links for Kids and Adults,etc.Come'n Folks,let's go SURFING.Osa sivustani tehty myos suomeksi.
Submitted: 7 Dec 1997

Bellezza Mia Dolls & Collectibles Shoppe -- http://members.aol.com/Belezzamia/index/html
A unique Dolls & Collectible Shoppe with only the highest quality and artistic items. Also Highly desirable figurines and vintage toys.
Submitted: 4 Dec 1997

Rick Jones -- http://home.uleth.ca?~jonerg01
This is a page that has a little boarding, and some of my music tastes.
Submitted: 4 Dec 1997

Jodie Elrick -- http://members.wbs.net/homepages/a/s/o/asorcerersapprentice.html
At the moment it is not too crash hot, just a wee bit of info about me, but I am in the process of writing some stories to add to it. Give me a few weeks to put them on, but until then you can read about me and visit some links I find worthy of a mention.
Submitted: 3 Dec 1997

chiazom -- http://www.angelfire.com/co/chiazom
This page is basically about me
Submitted: 1 Dec 1997

CHRIS LOCKE -- http://www.angelfire.com/va/dickinzipper/index.html
If you want some jokes see my page I put more jokes on every month
Submitted: 1 Dec 1997

Lauren -- http://members.aol.com/hatebrdr/index138.html
punk page, currently mostly punk page and band links and links to other cool sites, misfits links and good pics, more to be added
Submitted: 29 Nov 1997

Melissa -- http://members.tripod.com/~Melly1/index.html
Page About me. Includes interests and links to my other pages.
Submitted: 29 Nov 1997

Chas Girdwood -- http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/1066
Television and Entertainment technology, VR and 3-D TV plus the Mighty Theatre Organ.
Submitted: 27 Nov 1997

NAAWP of Hawaii -- http://www.angelfire.com/hi/naawpofhawaii
Join the NAAWP today and help stop Forced Busing, Forced Intergration, Reverse Discrimination, and Illeagal Immigration.
Submitted: 26 Nov 1997

Johnny V. -- http://ww2.netnitco.net/users/jrv/msound.htm
Links to the BEST midis, mods, and wavs. Also, links to bands and other miscellaneous musical mayhem!
Submitted: 25 Nov 1997

UCJB -- http://members.aol.com/ucjb/ucjb.html
Tech help on vb assembler hacks cracks pc aol windows dos java html...
Submitted: 25 Nov 1997

Tony -- http://www2.netcom.com/~dye/index.htm
hey all you hippie space heads...come on in
Submitted: 24 Nov 1997

Tony -- http://www2.netcom.com/~dye/index.htm
hey all you hippie space heads...come on in
Submitted: 24 Nov 1997

Terri -- http://www.members.aol.com/veryterri5/index.html
my page has the best rock n roll radio station link , plus links for humor and i think so nice graphics...
Submitted: 24 Nov 1997

Caleb A. Rosario -- http://www.freeyellow.com/members/spooner/index.html
You'll Find Alot Of Things, And If You Don't Find What You Want Just E-Mail Me. The Address Is In The Page.
Submitted: 24 Nov 1997

Yale and Nina -- http://members.tripod.com/~yaleschwartz
Primarily, a family home page designed as a memorial to my wife. Technically, an example of an ultimately simple layout for a home page which requires minimal maintenance, yet allows continuous file updates. The secret come from pointing to directories containing files with self-explanatory file names.
Submitted: 24 Nov 1997

FullaBull -- http://members.aol.com
Very Kewl
Submitted: 20 Nov 1997

TONY MILINI -- http://members.aol.com/amilini/index.html
Submitted: 20 Nov 1997

Aaron Henry -- http://httpsrv.ocs.drexel.edu/undergrad/alh23/
This is a great web site. Come take a look at my fractals !
Submitted: 19 Nov 1997

James Potz -- http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/8009
artisan basketmaker internet newbie 11-97
Submitted: 19 Nov 1997

***Roger Scruggs Films*** -- http://www.s2f.com/scruggs
Video production, Still photography, Stock photography, Cinematography, corporate, commercial, ENG/EFP, aviation, aerospace, editorial, etc.
Submitted: 16 Nov 1997

Colleen Schrauger -- http://www.angelfire.com/biz/chsservices
Legal/Subject Research for Professionals and Laypersons
Submitted: 16 Nov 1997

Jessie -- http://www.fishnet.net/~krazykat/frame.html
Pictures, games, starwars, quotes, dragons, Jessie's classified, and a lot more!
Submitted: 15 Nov 1997

Giggles -- http://members.aol.com/Giggles732/Giggles.html
Just having fun
Submitted: 11 Nov 1997

JOHN NICHOLS -- http://www.erie.net/jnichols
made calendars made pins and more!!
Submitted: 10 Nov 1997

Josh Hardesty -- http://JH.com
pictures of cars
Submitted: 5 Nov 1997

Erik van Winden -- http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/6058
Some supermodel pictures, some mpeg movies and some links
Submitted: 29 Oct 1997

barbhomeschool -- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9642
Brand new page I am searching for knowlege to make a really great page about homeschooling, gardening, herbs, family, genelogy, favorite links.
Submitted: 28 Oct 1997

Ralph Hanson -- http://www.angelfire.com/ne/heartnwa/index.html
We are The Heart of the Midlands chapter of the National Weather Association, serving meteorologists in the Omaha/Bellevue/Offutt AFB, NE area...
Submitted: 28 Oct 1997

Eric Mazerolle -- http://www.anglefire.com/ca/scem
cool stuff go check it out
Submitted: 28 Oct 1997

Dave Pozniak -- http://www.angelfire.com/ok/CrazyStuff/index.html
Submitted: 26 Oct 1997

John Fine -- http://www.angelfire.com/ok/jnFine/index.html
Washington Redskins and Nascar
Submitted: 24 Oct 1997

Ivan A Stojanovic -- http://jagor.srce.hr/~iastojan/
It is the page with links to almost all the pages I ever designed. Somehow hitorical nowdays...
Submitted: 23 Oct 1997

Olram -- http://www.angelfire.com/mt/insurv/index.html
A survivors guide to healing from ritual, sexual, and mental abuse. For victims and their supporters.
Submitted: 21 Oct 1997

Panzer69 -- http://Friendchat.com
Just Friendchat
Submitted: 20 Oct 1997

PureMedia WebDesign ? -- http://puremedia.home.ml.org
PureMedia WebDesign ?, Professional WebDesign and Graphics at low, low prices. Give us a call!
Submitted: 17 Oct 1997

Dan Addington -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/6281
Chicago artist Dan Addington presents a site featuring examples of his paintings, a page of Celtic Crosses from Ireland, and unusual links
Submitted: 16 Oct 1997

Sean P. Mauduit -- http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/3266
International Network of Consultants in International Business and Markets Development, Global Purchasing and International Trade.
Submitted: 15 Oct 1997

walt boyer -- http://member.aol.com/bmotrsport/index.html
the best way to buy or sell an automobile..we offer global shipping
Submitted: 15 Oct 1997

walt boyer -- http://member.aol.com/bmotrsport/cars
the best way to buy or sell an automobile...i am linked to over 2000 other dealers across the nation
Submitted: 15 Oct 1997

Mr Longshlong -- http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/moorcock/97/
Lotza Stuff Bout Me, Mr Longshlong! And Some Sportz Crap Plus Lotza Duke Nukem Stuff And Other Great Stuff.. Have A Look See!!!
Submitted: 14 Oct 1997

J.March -- http://members.aol.com/jdmarch/home.html
The March family site with a photo album, bio's. funny thoughts for the day, riddles, quiz, and much more. The March's family site is our way to communcate to our friends and family in California now that we live in Mississippi. updated monthly
Submitted: 14 Oct 1997

Jeremy Osterhout -- http://www.angelfire.com/ny/jeremy686
movie reviews, wavs, midi, pics, guitar tab, ect...
Submitted: 13 Oct 1997

Dracocat & Blade's Kingdom -- http://geocities.com/ms/dracocat/blade/kingdom.
A cool place for the young at heart. Role playing.
Submitted: 12 Oct 1997

DaMAN14403 -- http://bestgames ever.com
video games for playstation and nintendo64
Submitted: 8 Oct 1997

ARKHAN of DARK EARTH -- http://www.darkearth.com
The official site of the Dark Earth game
Submitted: 8 Oct 1997

Mai Tran -- http://loverboy.RomeoDrive.com
This is a description of the boy before you
Submitted: 7 Oct 1997

sugiarto i.m. (toto) -- http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/2186/alumni-sma2-bogor.html
For indonesian alumni forum. All Indonesian SMA alumni..welcome to the page, contact mybox1clp@hotmail.com
Submitted: 6 Oct 1997

Rellik PanDragon -- http://home.viptx.net/~michaelk
A place to get some HTML programming help. Plus am updating regularly, so even i don't know what you'll find day to day.
Submitted: 5 Oct 1997

Jim La Polla -- http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/7768
Dedocated to organ transplants and other health issues.
Submitted: 29 Sep 1997

Janice Uible -- http://members.wbs.net/homepages/c/i/n/cincyangel.html
An Ohio Woman spends thousands hiring a Private Investigator to find her son; zero results....Was She Conned? You decide after reading her story...
Submitted: 27 Sep 1997

Meigs Hodge -- http://members.aol.com/Meigz33/Index.html
artsy fartsy metal guru surf poet stuf
Submitted: 25 Sep 1997

Jaymal -- http://www.Jps.net/Jaymal
It is the newest Bollywood Page!!! Has the greates new songs cool remixs and has old song but they are classics. Has great pictures of Hindi Actress and Actors. Has a very fast chat room that as 2 rooms.Check it out!!!!!!!
Submitted: 24 Sep 1997

Do you need a bodyguard
Submitted: 24 Sep 1997

Lisa Cote -- http://www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~matt.cote/wordings.htm
The ART OF WRITING Site Wanna learn how ta rite beter? But seriously, if you love the written word, come visit my site. I've even got an online bookstore! Coming soon - a new feature essay on "Ten Golden Rules" for beginning writers. (I'm still one myself, really, but I've got some pointers to share nonetheless!)
Submitted: 21 Sep 1997

Dacs -- http://www.geocities.com/area51/lair/7591/index.html
Self made info on me
Submitted: 20 Sep 1997

Don McConnell -- http://homepage.midusa.net~det2bob
This page is about my search for formen Air Force menbers of the 4000th Support Group. Please have a look and maybe you will know someone that was associated with the Group or its Detachments. Contact me at det2bob@midusa.net
Submitted: 19 Sep 1997

Dan Sroka -- http://www/pitt.edu/~dasst14/cal.html
WORLD FAMOUS calendars of satire, adult humor, comedy, political and social sarcasm, weirdness and fun! "Excite" reviewed my calendars and called them "one of the most baffling and bizarre creative efforts we've ever encountered on the Net."
Submitted: 19 Sep 1997

The WIZARD -- http://members.aol.com/ExFed2/index.html
This page is dedicated to the "ODD" side of the web! If you like odd, strange, bizarre, and morbid things... DON'T MISS THIS PAGE!
Submitted: 18 Sep 1997

Jens Kristensen -- http://www.oakland.edu/~jkristen
Jens' Web World. Mostly devoted to art and art history.
Submitted: 16 Sep 1997

Neil S. Andre -- http://members.aol.com/Halo4Earth/index.html
Unique pre-teen inner city environmental group with 100 awards for accomplishments and 800 adult lifetime members internationally. Check it out and consider joining the miracle being created.
Submitted: 14 Sep 1997

Chris & Amy Jauch -- http://www.n-link.com/~jauch
The "Upside-Down Dog Page" contains lotsa pictures and everything from mountain biking, Chris' Army adventures, lists of our refrigerator magnet and keychain collections, the fish living in our aquariums (and a list of the ones that have died in them), hockey, Mickey Mouse, and a brief history of the Jauch name.
Submitted: 14 Sep 1997

Georgian Blue Poetry Society -- http://www.freudeman.com/poemw.htm
A forum of poetry for previously unpublished poets. Postings change every few days.
Submitted: 8 Sep 1997

jonelle hunt -- http://www.geocities/heartland/hills/5632/
bears family
Submitted: 6 Sep 1997

Bayes Inference -- http://www.bayesinf.com
A contens site about massive data, dinamyc information, knowledge, forcasting and decision, because we beleave that companies can be manage learning from the past and looking to the future.
Submitted: 5 Sep 1997

Mitchell -- http://expage.com/page/mitchellland
Submitted: 4 Sep 1997

Kristina -- http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/6197
Just a little about me.
Submitted: 2 Sep 1997

CANADIAN!! -- http://www.telusplanet.net/public/klaninga
Something for Everyone; jokes, recipes, Tax Tips, New Car HORROR story, Family stuff, MIDI music links, RRSP tips, Classified Ads, DISABLED persons help, HUNTING, Dos Software etc! GREAT MUSIC on every page!!!!!!!!!
Submitted: 31 Aug 1997

Corey oo7's Homepage! -- http://members.aol.com/coreyoo7/index.html
M U S I C-M U S I C-M U S I C-M U S I C Tonz of kewl stuff for "Music Lovers"! And underground material....we sell LIVE concert recordings! Sorry, NO RAP!=( This is a pretty good site, check it out!
Submitted: 30 Aug 1997

LONELYMEN -- http://www.angelfire.com/wa/lonelymen
Get your dream with me.........
Submitted: 29 Aug 1997

Bryan Dinsmore -- http://members.tripod.com/~Desertman/index.html
My page is dedicated to helping people find what they are looking for.
Submitted: 23 Aug 1997

Roly Wright -- http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/1491http://
New and original MIDI music of all types by one of the top and newest sequencers around the net today!Modest too!
Submitted: 13 Aug 1997

Drakir -- http://members.tripod.com/~Drahcir/
All sorts of stuff. Black and Death Metal, Memetics, and general ramblings.
Submitted: 13 Aug 1997

Wes -- http://members.aol.com/santeelah/index.html
Stuff about me and good links to sites having to do with games.... I have OK graphics and hopefully I can get the music in by the time someone visits.
Submitted: 11 Aug 1997

Ricky Crites -- http://www.webspawner.com/users/firefighter/
this page contains links usful to a fellow firefighter and u2. It is my home page. where it is always under construction. I'm your normal 24 year old firefighter. who gets bored sometimes when I'm not at work.
Submitted: 9 Aug 1997

b.blommer@riza.rws.minven.nl -- http://huizen.dds.nl/~blomklui/
Genealogie Blommers
Submitted: 6 Aug 1997

ANGEL -- http://www.angelfire.com/al/angelway
Angel and Shay's Homepage
Submitted: 5 Aug 1997

Bob -- http://www.angelfire.com/ar/flowerbob
My name's Bob, I'm twenty and I'm a girl...if you want to know anymore about me then take a look at my page. Its still very much under construction at the moment, and all hints and ideas are gratefully recieved!!
Submitted: 5 Aug 1997

Phil Waugh -- http://www.angelfire.com/il/FLiP/
A cOOl page with chill skate, punk, ska, and much much more!!
Submitted: 4 Aug 1997

J. Yannick Perrette -- http://www.netspace.org/~jyp
A slice of simple "moi" and my random page - don't fight the urge to discover!
Submitted: 4 Aug 1997

H. Paul Moon -- http://www.wulaw.wustl.edu/~hpmoon
Submitted: 3 Aug 1997

Nathan Brown -- http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/6545
M.F. Goods Homepage
Submitted: 1 Aug 1997

Ryan Burns -- http://www.angelfire.com/hi/ryanburns/ourstuff.html
Links,Sounds,Movies,Chats (Rite now it really Sux but it will be getting a lot better and more stuff will be added)
Submitted: 31 Jul 1997

Dags -- http://www2.inetdirect.net/~nikeboy/index.htm
Welcome to Dags's Palace!!!
Submitted: 30 Jul 1997

Otaku Steve -- http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/2429
Tell people what you think by making you Own Anime Reviews!
Submitted: 30 Jul 1997

RedBoy -- http://www.angelfire.com/ga/redboy/index.html
Well my page is being constructed an almost done. It includes stuff about me and stuff for you. Info about warhammer, mIRC, and some other stuff. I also have some useful links to help ya out.
Submitted: 28 Jul 1997

BOB_III -- http://pages.prodigy.net/ruff/mike.html
A neat home page dedicated to ME BOB_III please please click here
Submitted: 28 Jul 1997

Joey Ellerbee -- http://www.angelfire.com/ga/joeswebpage/index.html
Lots of good graphics, plenty of great links to all sorts of stuff, I am constanly adding to it, pics will be there soon. Sign the guest book so I can see who visited and I can visit ur page!!
Submitted: 28 Jul 1997

Dona -- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7353
Geneology, family and general interest
Submitted: 28 Jul 1997

Johnny -- http://www.freeyellow.com/members/personals/
Broadcast your personal ad to more than 1000 guys through our free mailing lists. Post your ad here, get the most responses. This site is for gays only!
Submitted: 28 Jul 1997

Derrick -- http://www.angelfire.com/ga/burncyclesucks/
I think this page is pretty cool so why dont you check it out and e-mail me what you think
Submitted: 26 Jul 1997

Jen Greenfield -- http://solar.physics.montana.edu/jen
(It's not about solar physics, but you can get there from here.) I'm the webmaster for the solar physics group at Montana State University, but I'm an (undergrad) theorist interested in quantum mechanical models of consciousness, which leads into the entire reality question. I swear my page is a little more interesting than this blurb. I also have an image gallery you can try out. ;)
Submitted: 26 Jul 1997

Eric Nielsen -- http://www.geocities.com/Baja/7365
THis page is different, but wicked cool.
Submitted: 19 Jul 1997

Lisa -- http://www.geocities.com/SunsestStrip/Palms/4824
Since I don't really know how to do anything when it comes to creating web pages, it's very basic. however, it lists some of my favorite movies, indie bands, books , quotes and other random, fun and informative links. It's still under construction, but there are some interesting things there that, hopefully, you will decide to check out and end up loving as much as I do. Even if it is just a cool movie or quote.
Submitted: 19 Jul 1997

Romeo C. -- http://www.Angelfire.com
Get cool codes for the Nintendo 64 .See some cool pics of games and other cool stuff.It is a must see!!
Submitted: 18 Jul 1997

Frank Carr -- http://freespace.virgin.net/frank.carr/homepage.htm
Business Links, Fun Links, Babes, Spice Girls, BBS stuff, Cheap telephone calls for UK residents, Pictures, Amateur radio and scanner links, Lots of fun and plenty of good business links.
Submitted: 26 Jul 1997

GoUgO -- http://www.angelfire.com/me/gougo/index.html
! French Connection ! >Under Construction<, mais venez-y tout de m?me - Vous y trouverez des liens int?ressant en Fran?ais, plus beaucoup de FREE... - Allez-voir <==> Votre serviteur GoUgO <==>
Submitted: 25 Jul 1997

Denisey -- http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/2662/
Submitted: 24 Jul 1997

DON HAVA -- http://www.angelfire.com/tx/donhava
a place that needs help. give me some ideas for help please. THANK YOU
Submitted: 22 Jul 1997

Brandon -- http://members.aol.com/BD1318/Metallica.html
This is my Metallica page. right now its pretty crappy but i change it all the time.
Submitted: 21 Jul 1997

Kevin Johnson -- http://angelfire.com/il/medicandhotbabe/index.html
Lots of graphics, links to FREE graphics, jokes, recipes, links to other pages. Drop by and don't forget to sign the guestbook so I can return the visit!
Submitted: 21 Jul 1997

Zafar U.Khan -- http://online.emich.edu/~acc_khan
Zafar Khan, Associate professor, Eastern Michigan University
Submitted: 21 Jul 1997

Aingell -- http://tool-box.com/rc/owa/freeweb.page?id=1053286
Links to various adoption registries.Most useful for people who are looking for family members. Also includes a link to a site for people interested in internet gaming.
Submitted: 21 Jul 1997

Hotshot145 -- http://members.aol.com/hotshot145/index.html
My page is the bomb with some of the coolest graphics and pics. And it has all of the coolest celeberties
Submitted: 20 Jul 1997

derek murrow -- http://www.fn.net/~sub3mike
Underdog's Domain
Submitted: 16 Jul 1997

Danny -- http://geocities.com/TimesSquare/6467/index.html
Veyr Cool (under Construction) Has Lots Of Games, It also has a page With Red Alert Stratigities on it And Lots Of Other Cool Stuff
Submitted: 16 Jul 1997

PH -- http://www.su.okstate.edu/hanham/home.html
A quiet site where you can find lots of LOUD car audio, and serene wallpaper.
Submitted: 16 Jul 1997

hatrang -- http://www.public.asu.edu/~report/hatrang1
It's a student magazine...it's fun..it's about students..it's about caring, love fun, just for students....and it's in vietnames languages...:-)
Submitted: 15 Jul 1997

Tony Lunde -- http://www.webspawner.com/users/HomerJS/
Sounds from the simpsons.
Submitted: 15 Jul 1997

Glenn F Hansen -- http://www.angelfire.com/ca/ManitobaStamps/
This is a home page for stamp collectors. Particularly Canadian and those interested in Scandinavian stamps or certain stamp collectors' organizations. Winnipeg clubs are listed as well as large international societies such as SCC, RPSC, APS. A few links are included which lead to pages where massive links to stamp collecting interests are featured. I do not believe in re-diong what others have done.
Submitted: 15 Jul 1997

Mark William Paradise -- http://www.geocities.com/researchtriangle/7761/
Come and See the BLUE WebSite - Bookmark it for JAVA Treasures!
Submitted: 12 Jul 1997

cynthia -- http://www.sirius.com/~dx7dx7
buggy co-op, bugs bugs and more buggy's
Submitted: 11 Jul 1997

D.E. Tucker -- http://members.aol.com/tlcphoto1/index.htm
Submitted: 11 Jul 1997

Mary Beth Lehman -- http://www.angelfire.com/oh/BBLS/index.html
A page to Buy sell and Trade beanie Babies, I give out an award I have a guestbook, links, 5 pages of fun fun fun!!!!
Submitted: 11 Jul 1997

Vicki Davis -- http://pages.prodigy.net/davis
CHICKS JUNGLE REFUGE...A satirical look at life and corporate America from a too serious work-a-holic. Some great links, jungle pics, philosophical wavs and my own personal editorials (updated each month).
Submitted: 10 Jul 1997

Samantha -- http:/www.angelfire.com/tn/Nakima/index.html
lotza stuff...chtas, pics, lyrics, etc.
Submitted: 10 Jul 1997

Karen Barritt -- http://www.frii.com/~mamarose
Find out all about our Christian music ministry, WhiteStone. We are a band of singers filled with the love of the LORD and desire to spread that love in story and song. We go wherever HE calls us. Might your church be next?
Submitted: 9 Jul 1997

Karen Barritt -- http://members.aol.com/DECIBELLA/index.html
A silly little home page of two Christ the King Church members - with a link to another wonderful page and a picture of a little girl who will surely be awarded winners circle for great home pages!
Submitted: 9 Jul 1997

kmch partnership -- http://www.geocities.com?Eureka/Park/1693
Moving to or visiting Ireland? All arrangements made. Travel, mortgage, finance, legal and personal. See our Irish Links.
Submitted: 9 Jul 1997

Syed Bokhari -- http://members.aol.com/syedabrar/mlm.html
Work at home and save the environment. Great product and excellent business opportunity.
Submitted: 8 Jul 1997

King of Sayreville -- http://www.erols.com/xiphoid/kos.html
This is the official site of the King of Sayreville (New Jersey) homepage. Here, you'll learn what I think and do. A great site!
Submitted: 8 Jul 1997

Jennifer Smith -- http://jennifer/1861718.unicorn
Hi. It's me, Jennifer. I'm gonna say a little bit about me! I'm 14, I have short brown hair, brown eyes, 5'8". I like to play basketball, volleyball, soccer, play the piano, listen to all kinds of music *'cept rap, metal, alternative, country* And I'm learning how to cook. I make THE BEST microwave macaroni! I really love horses, but am kinda nervous when I ride. I'm very much a beginner. I like the internet, chatting, meeting new people. Hmmm. What can I say now? Oh yeah, I have two cats, Timone and Max. Timone is a white Devon Rex, and 2 yrs. old. Max, is a grey and white Cornish Rex, a little over 4 months and VERY cute. But I don't have a pic, sorry. Hmmm. I think I'm out of things to say. Oh well. C-ya laters!!! :o?
Submitted: 8 Jul 1997

John Edwards --
Home based computer printing and Web Authoring
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

Jenny Lucas -- http://www.omen.com.au/~lumac/index.html
Genealogy - We are reserching the MACGREGOR'S and other related family's, and having a lot of fun on the way. This is my 1st time at making a home page
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

Lois Garcia -- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1337
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

+==M i k e d e V i v e i r o s==+ -- http://www.aloha.net/~hayden
Cryptology, Internet Sceurity, Hubble Stuff, Hawaii Surf Report, National Weather, come check it out if your javascripty.
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

Rosenbrewer Communications -- http://www.cyberfun.ca/011numbers.html
The largest provider of talk lines on the net. !!FREE!!
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

Jacco Ermers -- http://www.angelfire.com/ak/Seabird
Just me talking about me!
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

yoshi -- http://www.shmusica.com
Sound clips, links, articles, selected from contributions or seventh heaven music archive. We invite contribution from creative musicians/writers to our web. (Category Free)
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

Toad -- http://members.tripod.com/~toad112/index-2.html
City of Elwood In. 1st Home page
Submitted: 7 Jul 1997

FangClaw16 -- http://members.aol.com/FangClaw16/FANGCLAWHP.html
Some links found while searching 'round
Submitted: 6 Jul 1997

Brian Thomas -- http://www.execpc.com/~garyt/blt.htm
fun, fun, fun, fun!!!
Submitted: 6 Jul 1997

michelle Killian -- http://www.angelfire.com/or/michellek
This is my groovy homepage...Come on in!
Submitted: 6 Jul 1997

Dan -- http://www.smart1.net/danc/index.html
Dan's Home Page
Submitted: 6 Jul 1997

CwAzYLaMB -- http://members.theglobe.com/cwazylamb
Cwazylambie's Home..hehe...She's fwenly most of the time.Check out her Macarena "jibes" page and Top 10 list..hehehe
Submitted: 6 Jul 1997

Charles T. Low -- http://www.cybertap.com/ctlow/boatdock/
Boat Docking - a book I have written about the universal nemesis of boating: docking. Rarely discussed, often problematic, are the skills required for close quarters maneuvering and boat handling.
Submitted: 5 Jul 1997

stephen hillel -- http://www.premaco.com
Submitted: 5 Jul 1997

Jes -- http://members.tripod.com/~JessicaakaJes/index.html
My strange homepage.
Submitted: 4 Jul 1997

David -- http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/7617/vault.html
Submitted: 3 Jul 1997

LongShlong -- http://www.angelfire/nh/lshlong/index.html
It is the things that I like. I am an average 17 year old who has average intersts so why don't ya take a peek.
Submitted: 2 Jul 1997

big/b -- http://www.geocities.com/Eureaka/4228
home buiness
Submitted: 2 Jul 1997

STEPHEN HILLEL -- http://www.premaco.com
a totally knew concept in emergency medical i.d. system's. WATCH this!!!
Submitted: 2 Jul 1997

UNWRITTEN LAWS -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/3512/
This is the page with many (5 or so) laws that you should know about before you return to reality, give it a try!
Submitted: 1 Jul 1997

LadyWAVer -- http://www.pipeline.com/~an_unusual_one/
Color Asciis, WAVs, mIRC Scripts & help files, lots of fun misc...
Submitted: 1 Jul 1997

Audrey---or as Hugh says Drey or as Pat says Shorty or as all my friends call me Dee! Your choice! -- http://GalaxyGrl6
HeLLo! HeLLo! HeLLo PeEpS!!! WaSsUpErS, Y'aLL!!! For all who don't know me, my name is Audrey or as Hugo would call me, Drey or as Pat would call me, Shorty! All my friends call me Dee or Aud!! Any of those is fine with me!! Even though, I'm not that short...5'1 and A HALF for your information!!! I just wanted to be the better person that I am and prove to Pat that I am actually really taller than him!!! LOL! Much love to ya all! Not in that lovey dovey sort of way...just friends foreva!! You know!! First of all, I live in Cali!! Da bomb ass place!! In Hayward!!! I love it out here, but miss all my homeboys and homegirls down in SF---which is also da bomb too!! I am a pinay all da way----with a little bit of Japanese and Spanish in me! Proud of it too!! My birthday is on July 9---ALMOST 13!!!!! Eeeeeks!! I am soooo excited!!! I'll be expecting a present from each and every one of you! My hobbies are guys, partying, basketball, volleyball, dancing--freakin, Francine?, and anything that entitles fun!!! Okay...here is my shots out: To my bfs for life: Vanessa, Priscilla, Michelle, Gia, Noe, Courtney, Francine (Freakmasta), Katie, Natalie, Jennifer, and Carrie!! Much love to my newly-found friends whom I love with all my heart: Meg P, Meg F, and Dez!! You guys are the greatest!! And to all my homeboys out there who are da bomb: Hugo, Pat, David, Mike, and Brian!!! I love all ya guys forever!!! Just for your information----Class of '98 rocks da party!! U know! I am a member of the Freaks of the Industry! The members in the club are Francine, Crystal, Audrey, Lauren, Courtney, Vanessa, and if you would like to join, please send your resume to my email address at FaShIoNgOdDeSs098@juno.com Ok....well, gotsta go!!! 143-637! Hugs and smoooooches!! Buh-bye!!
Submitted: 30 Jun 1997

Cathy Cole -- http://www.angelfire.com/biz/zebra1z/index.html
Want to Lose Weight & Feel Great? No dieting or exercise! Three tablets at breakfast, thats all. I'm under construction, so please visit often!
Submitted: 30 Jun 1997

Dennis Alexander -- http://ftp://dmalexander:bre-tif@www.sota-oh.com/dmalexander
Graphics and Animations
Submitted: 30 Jun 1997

Adam -- http://www.angelfire.com/tx/adamworld/index.html
Please send me suggestions for adding content on my page!
Submitted: 30 Jun 1997

U4EA -- http://users.skynet.be/sky37046/index.htm
Warez & Cool Links
Submitted: 30 Jun 1997

Jason huebsch -- http://www.ptialaska.net/~huebsch/
an alaskan with too much free time, links to punk sites, a zine, and other crap....
Submitted: 30 Jun 1997

MICHAEL CARDEN -- http://MEMBER.AOL.COM/mgcarden2/
music & cool links to cool pages
Submitted: 29 Jun 1997

joe -- http://www.angelfire.com/or/pentogon
Mostly likes to hororscopes and other occult stuff
Submitted: 28 Jun 1997

NEIL WAGMAN -- http://home.aol.com/WAGCO
Personal home page
Submitted: 28 Jun 1997

James M. Sims -- http://www.neocogito.com
A Compendium of Web Development Information
Submitted: 28 Jun 1997

Kateri Martin -- http://www.miserybay.com/mbay/kateri/
Life of Stooby... almost like life of Brian, if you watch Monty Python!
Submitted: 27 Jun 1997

Kim Wagner -- http://www.angelfire.com/biz/workonline/index.html
EARN MONEY ONLINE,Brighten your future today !!
Submitted: 27 Jun 1997

Abhijeet Sharma -- http://www.angelfire.com/ak/Abhijeet
Nude babes and free xxx I get from magazines.
Submitted: 26 Jun 1997

HTML and IRC Al -- http://home.clara.net/alan
A little of this and little of that, still learning and looking for lots and lots of suggestions. A great page for html and irc tips a must for anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted: 26 Jun 1997

S Dogg -- http://members.aol.com/CopaseticG
If you expect something serious, don't come here! This is just a page I made to make my town famous and clock maaad ca$h flo!
Submitted: 26 Jun 1997

Danny Benson -- http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/5109/
Lots of cool stuff including HP48g, interesting things for trumpet players and other cool things
Submitted: 25 Jun 1997

Jason Novotne -- http://www.coolcat.com/home/19264168574.html
it's about romance and where to meet new friends this page is still under hevey construction though it will take time be fore it's done.
Submitted: 25 Jun 1997

Andy -- http://www.inficad.com/~andya
A peaceful resting place, helping us feel better about ourselves with lots of really cool artwork.
Submitted: 24 Jun 1997

Submitted: 23 Jun 1997

STEVE -- http://members.aol.com/FA2930E/index.html
My AOL Homepage. See what a diehard AOL addict doesn't for a homepage. Lots of links, color, and animations. Seeya there!
Submitted: 22 Jun 1997

derek fleming -- http://
hi everyone
Submitted: 21 Jun 1997

Matthew Saul -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2439
Information about this website is being witheld by representatives from Microsoft, Packard Bell, McDonalds, and The Internet Link Exchange.
Submitted: 21 Jun 1997

Melissa (mushie) -- http://www.angelfire.com/me/mushie/rml.html
A Page Of Some Sights I Came Across Very Randomly. (not my homepage,but angelfire kinda destroyed that.) :)
Submitted: 21 Jun 1997

Albert -- http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/8971/
BABES BABES BABES A collection of women celebrities and supermodels. Updated about every month. Kathy Ireland Niki Taylor
Submitted: 19 Jun 1997

josh rivera -- http://www.angelfire.com/sc/coolstuffforyou/index.html
Submitted: 19 Jun 1997

Mark X -- http://aol.home/STARBOY45
A trip into the world of space music....Pictures, Lyrics, Songs and experiences.
Submitted: 19 Jun 1997

Basich -- http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/9108/
Cool Alien pics. Midis Win 95 themes & more
Submitted: 18 Jun 1997

Keith -- http://geocities.com/colosseum/loge/2381
San Diego Padres Pics, Stats, and More...
Submitted: 18 Jun 1997

Rudy Bacon -- http://members.aol.com/RBacon5465/xpg/xps.htm
List your Home Page here. My Home Page List design is very unique...click the URL "now" to see it. ALL NEW design - nothing like it! I might add that THIS HOME PAGE LIST is Awesome too!!!
Submitted: 17 Jun 1997

Neal Mack -- http://travelevv@aol.com
If you like to travel to unusual, exotic, or just plain weird locations, we'll do the research so you can have the fun. Our specialty is medical and educational travel, but hey, we just like to travel. Who cares where or for what reason! Give us a call at (812) 475-9068.
Submitted: 17 Jun 1997

eugene ATWOOD -- http://www.cybercom.net/~thelunatics/
Eugene's Page of C R U D D L O; Filled with all the crud of my life.
Submitted: 16 Jun 1997

XLivEviLX -- http://members.aol.com/XLivEviLX/XLivEviLX.html
Well, Thats my firs Home Page I think it kix a** and some other people think that 2. It contains couple of my favorite links and of course my pick KEWL HEH?
Submitted: 16 Jun 1997

michael lam -- http://lamtmich@hkabc.net
Submitted: 14 Jun 1997

JEN -- http://solar.physics.montana.edu/jen
Homepage of the rookie webmaster of MSU solar physics. I am a theorist myself (though an undergrad), and am most interested in quantum mechanical models of consciousness and in "the reality question." Any webmaster tips would be helpful, and everyone with shared interests welcome!
Submitted: 14 Jun 1997

Jim Rust -- http://www.calpoly.edu/~jrust/
Mainly business links.Plus news, weather,encyclopedia. No frames, loads quickly, easy to read. Not the fanciest, very utilitarian.
Submitted: 13 Jun 1997

John Ford -- http://www.fordpub.com
Local isp nfo & World's best Model Car Racing Magazine
Submitted: 13 Jun 1997

Inez Jadu -- http://members.tripod.com/~aqui2/index.html
the creation of a ship for rpg (simulation game) Star Trek oriented
Submitted: 3 Jun 1997

H.Yamaguchi -- http://www.palf.co.jp/~hideto/
!!!!!!Online cartoon site from Japan!!!!!!
Submitted: 3 Jun 1997

Ravi Chugani -- http://angelfire.com/il/kokoCola/index.html
eeehhhh .... just a little of talk about me .... hey what the heck ... decided to show it to the world..... come check it out and drop me a line !
Submitted: 28 May 1997

yaniv riezman -- http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/7415/
links to art and graphic sites and shows some painting that i did using photoshop
Submitted: 27 May 1997

Kathy Gill -- http://www.dotparagon.com/resources/index.html
Contains how-to's and "don't do's" of web design, 216-browser safe color table, WWW6 paper.
Submitted: 26 May 1997

fff -- http://www.geocities.com/westhollywood/heights/4568
A little of this and little of that, still learning and looking for lots and lots of suggestions.
Submitted: 17 May 1997

Robert Chou -- http://www.starbase21.com/rchou/
This is my first homepage. It's got some basic background about me, some FUN LINKS, and OTHER COOL STUFF. Under heavy construction still, email me YOUR IDEAS & SUGGESTIONS or just say Hi.....
Submitted: 17 May 1997

Anthony -- http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/downs/5199
Submitted: 16 May 1997

Andy Braff -- http://www.thecyberjeweler.com
Solid 14k gold standard chains offered ato wholesale prices; $15 per gram! secured server ordering. Initial offering
Submitted: 15 May 1997

France Mauduit -- http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/3266
International Business Development Consulting, Internationa Business Global Trade/Purchasing
Submitted: 13 May 1997

tj -- http://www.concentric.net/~tjturk
Links to handy sites. Hardware & connectivity sites; some gaming sites; a few merchants; and a really new HTML learner's page. All of these pages consist primarily of links to *other peoples work.*
Submitted: 8 May 1997

Taco Fleur and John Nichols -- http://www.mercuryin.es/clients/grafico/goldbug.html
THE GOLDBUG DIARIES An Investors Diary who has made and annual compound growth of 15 per cent over the last 15 years. Stock Markets covered England - Spain and the Pacific Rim - Interesting reading for the private investor
Submitted: 7 May 1997

John Nichols and Taco Fleur -- http://www.raronet.es/~jnichols/index.html
ABC TO FORMULA RENAULT Race dates and results in England - Spain and France - Drivers looking for sponsorship - Manufacturers - chat motor racing etc
Submitted: 7 May 1997

Tammy Roth -- http://www.trader.com/users/5011/0606
This is my first home page. It just tells a little about us. I still have a lot to learn and a lot to add to it.
Submitted: 3 May 1997

Sherri McElroy -- http://www.ilinks.net/~sherrimc/
Most interesting feature is "Critical Analysis of The Simpsons" which pays trubiute to the genius of bug-eyed satire.
Submitted: 1 May 1997

Mark Thomas -- http://www.paranoia.com/~sorabji
The Place of General Happiness
Submitted: 26 Apr 1997

Mark Thomas -- http://www.paranoia.com/~sorabji
The Place of General Happiness
Submitted: 26 Apr 1997

Bruce R. Allen -- http://www.webfund.com
WWW Internet Fund; invests in a mix of Mature, Mid-life and Adolescent stocks of companies building and developing software, products and services for the Internet.
Submitted: 24 Apr 1997

Angela Addington -- http://www.nd.edu/~gaddingt
Starts off with my husband's page =- he's an aerospace engineer. Links to my business page - Addington Consulting and Photographic Services. Great Photos!!
Submitted: 20 Apr 1997

le ragazze di box 11 -- http://pages.inrete.it/box11/index.htm
the girl of box 11 from italy photo@mbox.vol.it
Submitted: 15 Apr 1997

WildFlower -- http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/3296
pictures of wildflowers and critters, thoughts on life, trivia no one cares about, your horoscope and lucky number. weird links, etc.
Submitted: 14 Apr 1997

Global Award -- http://home.pacific.net.sg/~aj160173/globalaward.html
This page give out award to well design and lot's of information Personal Homepages. Check out this site if you like it help me to spread them around. Please check Global News for some interesting news. (please check)
Submitted: 14 Apr 1997

tom dunphy -- http://www.geocities.com/area51/vault/6764
it's weird but so far my best :-)
Submitted: 13 Apr 1997

Gene Chambers -- http://chambers.simplenet.com/
Entitled Hare Brain Ideas, this site is intended to be a treasure chest of rather *wacky* ideas that just might work... who knows?
Submitted: 9 Apr 1997

111 Triple One International Travel Directory -- http://www.triple1.com/
International travel directory: bed and breakfast lodgings and accommodations, vacation rentals, wilderness adventure travel companies, chamber of commerce and city pages, and regional travel resources.
Submitted: 4 Apr 1997

Barb & Mac -- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/3869
Stop by and visit. Our homepage is about our Dachshunds, kitty's and genealogy.
Submitted: 4 Apr 1997

Onur Sena Gunday -- http://www.geocities.com/athens/8500
your site looks cool
Submitted: 4 Apr 1997

Linda -- http://members.aol.com/lindap6609/index.html
Wavs Wavs Wavs.........Email requests page......all kinds of wavs...stop by and then email me with your requests. Updated frequently.
Submitted: 3 Apr 1997

David Hamilton -- http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/users/d/dmhamilt/html
A freshman at NC State trying to create a decent webpage on the net. And one who appreciates any comments or suggestions.
Submitted: 31 Mar 1997

Michele -- http://members.aol.com/micellis
Lots of fun links to Sports, Ocean Planets, Wolves, and Entertainment!
Submitted: 31 Mar 1997

Cynthia Rainey -- http://www.cyberramp.net/~crfoto
Texas photographer and miscellaneous.
Submitted: 29 Mar 1997

Fraser Valley Distance Education School -- http://rainbow.fvrcs.gov.bc.ca
FVDES is a Distance Education facility located in Chilliwack, BC, Canada, It provides Ministry approved Courses from K-12 to students in the Fraser Valley, BC and throughout the world.
Submitted: 25 Mar 1997

Peter Bird -- http://www.angelfire.com/biz/huntingsafaris/index.html
Hunting Safaris at a private ranch located close to the World famous Kruger National Park in South Africa.
Submitted: 25 Mar 1997

Mike deViveiros -- http://www.aloha.net/~hayden
An Information, Geological and Oceanographic Solutions Company
Submitted: 24 Mar 1997

GinaHall -- http://www.atomicdawg.com/
A lighthearted, original colorful site that will surprise you. Almost all the artwork is done by Gina Hall. AtomicDawg will charm you. (I will link to your site on my HotDawgPage).
Submitted: 23 Mar 1997

Bruce Neufeld -- http://mh102.infi.net/~bneufeld
"Bruce Neufeld's Home on the Internet", a superbly crafted home page worth a look! 1000's of conveniently categorized links, my family photo album, plus my writings on HTML, life and "The Lion King"! A MUST SEE!
Submitted: 22 Mar 1997

Ivan A. Stojanovic -- http://jagor.srce.hr/~iastojan/
Well, my homepage is really old, but at least there are links to all (almost) pages that that I am, or was working on.
Submitted: 19 Mar 1997

The Garrett's -- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5047
Come by and visit us. We're new to the web, but are fast learners. Stop by, sign our book and let us know what you think, remember we're beginners!
Submitted: 18 Mar 1997

terry -- http://www.asan.com/users/terrapin
a gallery of digital paintings and photographs and an on-line journal of HIV+ pothead web designer in NYC!
Submitted: 18 Mar 1997

Jerry Kosan -- http://jbkcinequipt.com
This page consists of eqipment & service for Motion Picture Industry. Please feel free to stop by and say hello.
Submitted: 18 Mar 1997

M Lowry -- http://www.angelfire.com/al/nobodyschild/index.html
Submitted: 13 Mar 1997

Richard J. Moris -- http://members.esslink.com/~rmoris/mypagefn.htm
Amateur Radio, Favorite places, Graphics and my wifes recipe page
Submitted: 5 Mar 1997

Anvil -- http://www.webspawner.com/users/ashton/
The Orange Beach Ball Appreciation Society. Will you be the 5000th visitor and win the Numero Uno MYSTERY prize?
Submitted: 4 Mar 1997

Mark -- http://members.aol.com/world145/index.html
My home page filled with games, surveys, puzzles, madlibs, etc.
Submitted: 2 Mar 1997

Byron Goerz -- http://www.netshop.net/~littlec/home.htm
Free Treeplanting Information and free chapters from the British Columbia Bestselling Book To Plant or Not To Plant.
Submitted: 1 Mar 1997

Janne -- http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/2180
winetasting & music - a continuous journey...
Submitted: 28 Feb 1997

Jan James -- http://homepage.interaccess.com/~janjames
Jan James is a singer/songwriter with 3 CDs released in the European market on the Provogue label. This page includes reveiws,photos and sound files. The press have compared Jan t0...."Joplin singing for The Rolling Stones...Faces. She rocks!!!!!!
Submitted: 26 Feb 1997

Jim Fisher -- http://homepages.nildram.co.uk
Jim's Jottings on various subjects, including athletics for ordinary joggers, gardening (exotic plants in a cold climate), genealogy, humour?, politics, science, investment techniques, wildlife, computers and a biographical rubbish page for those who want to know about me. The site is only partly developed (changes most days), so some pages are exceedingly sketchy, others may be useful to someone. Honest comments very welcome. I may have to redesign when I have read the tips on this helpful site!
Submitted: 25 Feb 1997

P.A. Crossin -- http://qlink.queensu.ca/~6pac1
A few rookie attempts at creating a homepage. Kind of a resource page really
Submitted: 24 Feb 1997

Jim Hendricks -- http://www.angelfire.com/oh/U4EA/index.html
Submitted: 24 Feb 1997

Garden Tree -- http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/6132
Gardening can be easy, A designers point of view. We have lots more... coming soon!
Submitted: 22 Feb 1997

The Hansberry Family -- http://free.websight.com/HansberryFamily/
This is a page about my family. It is very simple but I am slowly learning about all this html stuff. Come on in and visit us ..just so we can have SOMEONE sign our guestbook! :)
Submitted: 20 Feb 1997

Christina Tullo -- http://members.aol.com/ChrisTullo/marvy.htm
My page is completely about Marvin the Martian, a cartoon character from Warner Bros. A must see!!
Submitted: 20 Feb 1997

Rex Ray -- http://www.alaska.net/~rextreme/
Are you stupid enough? Awww.. It doesn't really matter anyhoo! This page includes an online version of the Alaska Punk-zine "PTBH!", pictures and sound of Liquid Bandade (Anchorage Punk band), and general wackyness all round. Meditate on the 'Eyes of Dr. Clenchweilder', check out the 'Weekly Treat', and try to find the 'Secret Page'. Have fun!
Submitted: 20 Feb 1997

Kenneth E. Klein from Charleston -- http://users.sc.net/kklein/index.htm
Charleston Thursday WANK dart league results and standings. Hot links to cool stuff. Soon: Resume of software engineer, IBM, ES9000, UNIX, Micro, LANs...
Submitted: 2 Feb 1997

Deborah -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2641
A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Featured recipes, poetry, links and a chat area. I am just beginning a weekend chat from 7-8 am. Come visit and give honest feedback.
Submitted: 31 Jan 1997

Leroy Wood -- http://home.cdsnet.net/~lwood/wayne/wayne.htm
Want to know about John Wayne? Don't use a search engine. Everything on the web it right here. Filmography, Pictures, Fans page, FAQ and links to all kinds of sources plus more. Come on in and welcome.
Submitted: 31 Jan 1997

Peggy Hu -- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/8462
some personal poetry, links to favorite authors and sites about literature (especially Asian literature)
Submitted: 27 Jan 1997

Ranney Munro -- http://www.pacificrim.net/~ranney
Web Design and Links.
Submitted: 26 Jan 1997

Jessie and Craig MALKIN -- http://members.aol.com/CraigJessM/index.html
We ramble a lot about the state of the world, music we love (LINKS!), Cleveland where we live, and an overdose of opinions on anything...
Submitted: 26 Jan 1997

Hans ten Berge -- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/H_ten_Berge
Personal Homepage
Submitted: 21 Jan 1997

Kent Boortz -- http://www.iogt.se/webmaster/scripts/
Actually just a hole bunch of really good scripts.
Submitted: 20 Jan 1997

darle254712AOL.COM -- http://members.aol.com/darle25471/index.html
This is my first stab at a page. So it is a little rusty but I am getting there. Check out my links and let me know how they are and also be sure to sign my guestbook.
Submitted: 19 Jan 1997

Patti McCurdy -- http://glen-ent.ca/patti/
Patti's Page Design full of fun and educational links.
Submitted: 16 Jan 1997

Benjamin Hannon -- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/5016
My personal web pages dealing with myself, My BBS, OS/2 WARP and MERLIN, Mifflin Count Model Railroading Club, Car Audiofonics, plus much more...
Submitted: 13 Jan 1997

Matt Jalbert -- http://www.exuberance.com
Exuberance is a collection of photography, essays, and art by geographer Matt Jalbert. No guest book, no interactivity, just my rants, raves, art, and faves. Dig it.
Submitted: 8 Jan 1997

Calin Adamut -- http://www.sorostm.ro
Ceva foarte timid. Nu prea am timp liber.Putinul pe care il am il petrec cu prietenul meu AMD486.
Submitted: 8 Jan 1997

Jan Krohn -- http://members.aol.com/jkrohn8167
Star Trek MIDI files for download
Submitted: 5 Jan 1997

Ann Henderson -- http://chebucto.ns.ca/~as280/
Links to software sites, Web Page Help, Games, Pictures of friends, and examples of Java Applets.
Submitted: 1 Jan 1997

Carrie Miller -- http://www.angelfire.com"
My page will contain lots of stuff on it:) I want to put some neat stuff on it!!
Submitted: 27 Dec 1996

Dwight L. Stegall -- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/2488/index.html
Hundreds of search engines now and thousands later from every online country in the world.
Submitted: 26 Dec 1996

Kedai Kopi KAIZEN -- http://www.angelfire.com/ky/KAIZEN/
A simple Kedai Kopi or Coffee House by Kristianto Jahja sending message of KAIZEN: continual improvement through people and technology.
Submitted: 23 Dec 1996

CoinNet -- http://members.aol.com/coinnet/index.htm
CoinNet specializes in United States Silver Coinage, bullion, and jewlery
Submitted: 21 Dec 1996

Albert N. Milliron -- http://members.aol.com/mindbend2/index.htm
Melatonin and Seasonal Affective Disorder Network. Information and links by one of the Authors in Arctic Medical Research.
Submitted: 21 Dec 1996

Jim Scism -- http://www1.mhv.net/~jhscism/sidekick.htm
I built this page (my first try) for my students (country dancing) and to try and encourage more country music and dancing in my area. I HOPE IT WORKS.
Submitted: 20 Dec 1996

Jerry Grenier -- http://www.clinic.net/users/jgrenier/default.htm
A great place for information on the State of Maine, whether you are visiting or planning a move there. Stop in and say hello!
Submitted: 19 Dec 1996

Witt Kinsner -- http://pc-ieee1.ee.umanitoba.ca/~newslet/
A newsletter for the IEEE Winnipeg Section. Implemented dynamic framesets. Many points of interest.
Submitted: 15 Dec 1996

Neil S. Andre -- http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/nandre
About The Earth Angels: a unique pre-teen inner city environmental group of at risk children helping an at risk world. Over 800 adult lifetime members internationally.
Submitted: 15 Dec 1996

Ron Griggs -- http://www.buggs.net/~prkeroil/ron.html
Personal home page with some links and some comments referring to home page design.
Submitted: 12 Dec 1996

-- http://www.webspawner.com/users/edseverland/
personal page, a little info, a little fun
Submitted: 12 Dec 1996

Virginia Roper -- http://members.tripod.com/~ptocheia
It's cool.:)
Submitted: 10 Dec 1996

Virginia Roper -- http://members.tripod.com/~ptocheia
It's cool.:)
Submitted: 10 Dec 1996

Rick Eles -- http://members.tripod.com/~eles/
This page has some good links for running and skiing
Submitted: 10 Dec 1996

Kenny L. Viec -- http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/3605
Personal Home Page, Tips on Creating Home Page, and my favorite links.
Submitted: 3 Dec 1996

Joan O'Donovan -- http://www.ozemail.com.au/~joanod
An attempt to "Keep Up With The Joans's". Also reflects my interest in genealogy and includes my family trees.
Submitted: 1 Dec 1996

Tim Fanelli -- http://www.cloud9.net/~extreme
The Extreme! -> A Collection of stuff I've foundtobe funny... so I posted them for your enjoyment!!!
Submitted: 30 Nov 1996

troop/chiparus -- http://home.pi.net/~bluenose
bah. demos, chiparus, mono, bluenose, design, bnoplub and chiptunes. dag!
Submitted: 29 Nov 1996

Sara -- http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6458
A great place to go. Entertainment sports. The works!
Submitted: 24 Nov 1996

IcEmAn or MoSeS -- http://www.angelfire.com/nd/Moses/index.html
Equiped with hackers places!!
Submitted: 20 Nov 1996

Jay Hiller -- http://www.fortnet.org/~jjhme
The Perfect Positive Perspective Page: a page simply done to promote a positive attitude and positive thinking that, when applied, can get you anything you desire.
Submitted: 20 Nov 1996

Jose Flores -- http://www.ece.utexas.edu/~flores/index.html
All kidnsa cool stuff!! java, javascript, pictures! pictures of me! descriptions of me! workout stuff, all about MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!1
Submitted: 19 Nov 1996

Ray Schroeder -- http://www.uis.edu/~schroede
My home page is the launching pad for my communication students at the University of Illinois at Springfield. There are many links to help students get started using the web. Also linked are the syllabi for my courses in Internet for Educators and New Technologies in the Electronic Media
Submitted: 13 Nov 1996

Marion Walter -- http://mindlink.bc.ca/Marion_Walter
A new cottage business run by two mothers who would prefer to work from home where they can be with their children! Our web page is an attempt to get a toe in the market using a visually pleasing page. A second web page has been created for my hobby, genealogy, but this is not linked from our main web page. The address for the second page is http://mindlink.bc.ca/Marion_Walter/genealogy.html
Submitted: 13 Nov 1996

Alex McConnachie -- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3543/
Friendly page and it is updated every day.
Submitted: 12 Nov 1996

Donna Steinhauer -- http://www.zoomnet.net/~donnas/index.html
Entertainment Complex: New movies and more movies, Boxoffice results, celebrities, music, links, and more!
Submitted: 12 Nov 1996

Andrew Kooi -- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1245
A bunch of sites which interests me but will soon be changed. Am planning to include other stuff later but for the moment, if it's boring, let me know and please do include suggestions, comments, etc.
Submitted: 7 Nov 1996

Josh Sklar -- http://home.pacific.net.sg/~joshs
Oh just another designer's ego running loose. Josh's resume, sample portfolio, mega-search page and the like. Some folks seem to like it.
Submitted: 6 Nov 1996

Mary Lynne Dean -- http://www.gnofn.org/~mldean
The Dean's List contains functional and funlinks to Web sites for teachers, parents and students.
Submitted: 4 Nov 1996

Dean Hoy -- http://www.flash.net/~lonstar
This is the home of Lone Star Fantasy League,where sports fanatics can participate in affordable fantasy sports leagues.
Submitted: 2 Nov 1996

Michael Jones -- http://www.nyx.net/~mjjones/
QuirkyLand! is a virtual town with links galore, and even some ORIGINAL CONTENT
Submitted: 30 Oct 1996

Sachin -- http://www.pobox.com/~sachin
A wonderful place for all...........
Submitted: 29 Oct 1996

Deb Freitas -- http://cis.nmclites.edu/~freitas
This is my first page and it is still under contruction so it is very boring at the moment. Please send me your comments.
Submitted: 24 Oct 1996

Ms. Analysis -- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3287
Have a problem and no one to talk to........check out my advice column! Click on the FEATURES Magazine and see what you find out!
Submitted: 21 Oct 1996

Fred Fitch -- http://ro.com/~airborne/jesus/fred.htm
A page that allows those who don't JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOUR, to find the resources that will point them in the direction to gain the knowledge that will help them understand why they must be Saved, and why JESUS, is the only way to salvation
Submitted: 19 Oct 1996

weed -- http://alt.venus.co.uk/weed/agifs
Venus Animated GIF Archive
Submitted: 18 Oct 1996

Vincent Di Salvo -- http://comm_studies.unl.edu/applied_org_comm/
Focuese on communication in the workplace and how to understand the human conidtion and then how to serve as a catalyst for change. Included in most courses are diversity and global workplace issues.
Submitted: 13 Oct 1996

Adriana Olinto Ballest? -- http://info.lncc.br/dimas/
Presentation of the Music Departament of the National Library of Brazil including biografies, photos, and MIDI music of brazilian composers.
Submitted: 12 Oct 1996

Michael Rally -- http://www.zoo.co.uk/~z0001169/michael.html
Want to see a 14 year old's homepage. It's been totally created by a 14 year old, all on his own with no help! Nearly all his graphics are his own! Come and read!
Submitted: 12 Oct 1996

Sorna T Dhanabalan -- http://www.pundits.com/sorna/sorna.html
This is my Home page which gives more info about the Karnatic Music of India, the Big temple at Thiruvarur - the place where the music is born.
Submitted: 8 Oct 1996

Petra Jankov -- http://www.tripnet.se/home/c22/petra1.htm
My personal playgroundl, in the middle of the Cyber Highway!!
Submitted: 7 Oct 1996

Bruce R. Allen -- http://www.internetfund.com
WWW Internet Fund. For the long-term investor>>>Put your money where your mouth is. A balanced portfolio of mature, mid-life, and adolescent companies. The objective is to provide investors with a less volitile, more stable Internet investment while minimizing the risk associated with such a fast-growing market. Submitted: 3 Oct 1996

Ronald F. Smith, P.e -- http://www.angelfire.com/pages0/BlkAmerica/index.html
BlackAmerica is a bulletin board which lists black-owned businesses by metropolitan area.
Submitted: 1 Oct 1996

Japan Publicity, Inc. -- http://www.japanpub.com
Bi-lingual (English/Japanese) homepage. It contains Telephone Guide of California & Las Vegas, and Dot Com Magazine U.S.A.(TM) - Japanese Internet Information Magazine from U.S.A.
Submitted: 30 Sep 1996

Tomomi Kano -- http://www.kaiwan.com/~espresso
A homepage by a girl who not only likes to keep up with techie stuff, but also has many other interests. Check out my page to see what I mean! See ya at http://www.kaiwan.com/~espresso!
Submitted: 30 Sep 1996

stacy robbinson -- http://bollywood
latest news on the stars and maybe some photos and discriptions on the stars.
Submitted: 30 Sep 1996

Alistone T. Skepple -- http://www.aisi.net/trevors
Skepple family homepage in San Antonio, TX. Second page filled with many interesting link's
Submitted: 22 Sep 1996

Sex-Bytes -- http://bip.concept.se/user/sexbytes/sexbytes.html
Underground information on San Antonio and the rest of Texas
Submitted: 22 Sep 1996

Miguel Braz -- http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/3854
Music, Midi, Software, and other links
Submitted: 22 Sep 1996

M a r k M a r d o n -- http://www.sirius.com/~mcmardon/Come
It's my own personal zine, "Come", my fancy calling card, my way of showing off my work (writing) without being too boring. Trust me, it's trippy.
Submitted: 21 Sep 1996

Herb Monahan -- http://home1.gte.net/herb/index.htm
My first effort at publishing an ad for my local bbs board. All was done with gte provided services.
Submitted: 20 Sep 1996

Tim Murphy -- http://web.canlink.com/nabil/tim/
"Noise Queen" - The very first electronic newsletter for queer people in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Submitted: 19 Sep 1996

Stuart the Maniac -- http://www.io.com/~maniac
A good site for chess, music, language, and general deviant behavior links. Growing by the day. Come by! :)
Submitted: 18 Sep 1996

bwinsett -- http://www.afn.org/~afn11300/new.html
Comprehensive travel information: travel suggestions, packing list, photo hints, links to great travel sites from insurance & flights to exchange rates & destinations. Also, links to internet info including Bare Bones Guide to HTML.
Submitted: 12 Sep 1996

Lee H. Pappas -- http://www.pappas.com/~leehp
Background on all my magazines I have launched, plus links to the coolest subjects on the planet.
Submitted: 9 Sep 1996

Jeffrey M. Glover -- http://www.glover.com
This site is the new home (or rather MOVED home) of Jeffrey M. Glover's popular Top Ten Lists: How to tell if you have a Sucky Home Page How to Improve your Home Page and How to Improve your Browsing Experience. Trust me! You'll enjoy the visit! And the *new* look!
Submitted: 8 Sep 1996

Joanna Cannizzo -- http://www.marketguide.com
MARKET GUIDE INC. Market Guide provides the most comprehensive, timely & accurate reports on over 8,400 publicly traded companies. To see a FREE REPORT on any company or to find out about the hottest companies visit our website. You can also find out about StockQuest our new stock screening tool that allows you to search for stocks meeting your investment criteria.
Submitted: 6 Sep 1996

dierenkliniek laurijssens ( vet) -- http://xs4all.nl/~daplaunl/
A homepage about my veterinary practice and pets!
Submitted: 5 Sep 1996

Arrow Springs -- http://www.innercite.com/~flameon/
Flameworking info for torch worked glass - beads, marbles, buttons, sculpture
Submitted: 1 Sep 1996

Damien A. Joyner -- http://www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cfadj/damien/daj.htm
Has a variety of links to music groups (RATM, 311), soccer sites, and others soon to come!!
Submitted: 28 Aug 1996

James Bennett -- http://www.internetwantads.com/
The Internet Want Ads for those who are looking for that one special thing. With other pages of intreast.
Submitted: 27 Aug 1996

E.R.Ganz MedCom NeuroSci -- http://www.netlabs.net/hp/medcom
The Chemistry of Cognition, Biology of Behavior,Neuropharmacology Music-links
Submitted: 27 Aug 1996

Alistone T. Skepple -- http://www.aisi.net/trevors
Website of my family and interests
Submitted: 24 Aug 1996

Mandie -- http://www.angelfire.com/pg1/mandie/index.html
A personal homepage with tonnes of links and animations. Something for everyone here!!
Submitted: 24 Aug 1996

Teresa Blommers -- http://www.halcyon.com/jeanluc/
Fun Stuff...from personal to educational.
Submitted: 23 Aug 1996

Rod Jones -- http://www.rodjones.com
Specialising in web direct products.
Submitted: 22 Aug 1996

Magdalena Donea -- http://staff.interaccess.com/maggy/
Maggy's World - oh, just go look at it! ;-)
Submitted: 19 Aug 1996

Shaul Shulman -- http://www.ee.bgu.ac.il/~sshulm
I think my page is cool.If you want to prove me wrong just visit it !
Submitted: 19 Aug 1996

Chris Sutor (cobalt) -- http://oramp.com/~cobalt
*groan* - and to think I did all this entirely in pico. My hands hurt, and I'm still not done yet...
Submitted: 19 Aug 1996

Bradley W. Schenck -- http://home.earthlink.net/~bwschenck/index.html
This is a personal, resume and portfolio page that shows some of my work in computer graphics, computer game design, and in building celtic harps.
Submitted: 16 Aug 1996

Leroy Wood -- http://home.cdsnet.net/~lwood
LEROY LIVES HERE and I do. I spend about 150 hours a month on the internet.(so says my server) I just had to make a homepage and without the aid of a web editor. What do you think?
Submitted: 12 Aug 1996

Michael Hall -- http://www-isis.ecs.soton.ac.uk/people/m_hall/MikesHome.html
A virtual pub with various esoteric links to things that interest me. I hereby declare it to be a TAZ - a temporary autonomous zone, completely under my control, and recognizing no other authority.
Submitted: 10 Aug 1996

David Worrell -- http://www.aol.com/~ass/
I call myself Tuliodo and I'm a total moron!
Submitted: 8 Aug 1996

m a t t h e w b r y a n k e r s h a w -- http://www.ngen.com/mbk/
Drop by for a spin...but bring your imagination, and bring your Netscape. Because at my site we don't appreciate closed mindedness, and we don't accept the Internet Explorer. *grin* (apologies to Visa).
Submitted: 5 Aug 1996

Kolja Sommer & Anna Gil -- http://www.elcafe.com/~luke
Totally confusing....colourful without an end in sight.....good links and an extra website for Luke's girlfriend....
Submitted: 31 Jul 1996

Channel MarketMakers -- http://www.cmm1.com/photos
Information and indices of all Corel Professional Photos CD-ROM titles - complete with picture descriptions. Information on Incontext Spider - a easy to use HTML authoring package is at www.cmm1.com/hires/spider.html
Submitted: 31 Jul 1996

Napolean Bonaparte -- http://faraday.clas.virginia.edu/~jl5z/home.html
A Collection of weird pictures, links to friends pictures, and much of it is being renovated
Submitted: 30 Jul 1996

Crazy Jerry Brewster -- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Boneless_Rhino/
Boneless Rhino: Cincinnati & Dayton, Ohio's #1 Party Band!
Submitted: 29 Jul 1996

Steven Edward Rutledge -- http://oak.cast.ohiou.edu/~sr460795
Well It's titled "my little spot on the web", and I guess that is what it is. It has some sample of my art work and writing. Please feel free to stop by and say hello.
Submitted: 23 Jul 1996

Beth Tiner -- http://www.2cowherd.net/findings/
Findings is The Women's Health Care Advocacy Service which encourages women to make thoughtful choices about their health by providing them with information and support. Home of Sans Uteri, the networking/support group for the hundreds of thousands of women who are hysterectomized every year.
Submitted: 21 Jul 1996

Bob Bost aka Fidget -- http://members.gnn.com/bbost1/bobspot2.htm
Bobs Spot--a redneck from North Carolina's attempt at building a home page.It's a little rustic but he is teaching his self as he goes along. Drop by and help him out, send him comments and ideas.
Submitted: 20 Jul 1996

Sleazy -- http://geocities.com/hollywood/8245
Beavis and butthead stuff,bikini pics,music,entertainment
Submitted: 19 Jul 1996

Nafees Bin Zafar -- http://www.cs.cofc.edu/~binzafan
Cool page dedicated to cool things.
Submitted: 18 Jul 1996

Martin Andrews -- http://www.tribnews.com
The Tribune OnLine-New Albany, Indiana.
Submitted: 15 Jul 1996

Kip Yeager -- http://theoak.com
A Woodworker's Bulletin Board and links to Woodworkers on the WWW.
Submitted: 15 Jul 1996

Arnar Oskarsson -- http://www.treknet.is/sexymf/
My home on the WWW featuring Douglas Adam?s "How to leave the planet", links to Icelandic sites and a cool all-in-one bandwidth friendly links page.
Submitted: 15 Jul 1996

edward bronson -- http://www.deathnews.com
the www souce for alternative and death culture with video clips still photos a webzine and other cool stuff.
Submitted: 14 Jul 1996

Juan Pelegr?n -- http://www.nauta.es:443/ranking
This page includes information about athletic races in spain. It's also includes a ranking made with the information the visitors left in the page. In Spanish. English version soon.
Submitted: 12 Jul 1996

Ron Ecker -- http://www.angelfire.com/pg0/hobrad
The Hodge & Braddock Home Page: information on the books of Ronald L. Ecker, including how-to-order, excerpts, and a link to Ecker's online screenplay "Adrian and the Vampires."
Submitted: 11 Jul 1996

Gary Mendel -- http://www.cvtv.net/~outback/
A home page brought to you from St. John's Texas. Not far from Schulenburg Texas. Lots of Schulenburg Shorthorn Info on class 2A Football.
Submitted: 10 Jul 1996

Larry Lin -- http://www.hooked.net/~larrylin/links.htm
A collection of useful links - especially for webmasters. In the left frame, there is a link to my other page, "Creating a Successful Web Page."
Submitted: 9 Jul 1996

seabird -- http://www.vir.com/~seabird/jur_1.htm
Read the thrilling legend of the Jurassic Seabird. Then find out how to flatten taxes, follow the adventures of Quebec's Language Police, visit the Offend No One Page, and pray I don't add anything else.
Submitted: 8 Jul 1996

Bryce Wilson -- http://members.aol.com/djbryce/web/index.html
"The Bryce Page" --- All about a subject I am an expert on...Me, myself, and I. Page was designed by myself with -zero- knowledge of HTML, but it turned out pretty good. Pls check it out.
Submitted: 5 Jul 1996

Yuri J. Cuesta -- http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/1557
Here you will find advice (serios and not so serious), a collection of humilliating anecdotes, and more. It includes a version in Spanish.
Submitted: 4 Jul 1996


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Copyright © 1995-1998 by Kevin Werbach. Last updated July 11, 1998.